The Importance of Being Different

When determining what kind of offense and defense to install, its important to implement things that are not often seen by your opponents. A previous head coach that I worked for preached this constantly. The league that we were in was extremely athletic and if it was a track meet, we probably would not have []

Louisville 1-4 High

From the 1-4 high set, Louisville utilizes a post to post on-ball screen to create a driving lane to the basket. While the diagram shows this play going to the left, it can be performed to either side. Louisville 1-4 High is initiated when O1 passes to O4. O1, after making the pass, screens for []

Build Your Foundation on the Fundamentals

Would you build your house on a shaky or weak foundation? Exactly. You wont build until you have properly laid the foundation. And if you want it to last, you build on as strong a foundation as you can. The same holds true for your basketball program. If your basketball program is the house, what []

3-Player Competitive Rebounding Drill

Purpose: To have the players go strong after the rebound and to provide a competitive, game-like situation so that the players will get some opposition as they go up for the rebound. Drill: Form 3 lines of players, as shown in the diagram, about 10-15 feet away from the basket. Use more baskets if available. []

Faking Tips & Techniques

Faking, especially with the basketball, is an extremely important skill to master on both offense and defense. A well executed fake will misdirect an opponent, throw him off balance, and draw him out of position. An offensive player may utilize a fake with or without the basketball. Faking while in possession of the ball opens []

Defending the Diagonal Downscreen Drill

Purpose: Defending down screens from the top into the weakside low post are somewhat more difficult to defend then a down screen from the wing to the post. The lane is often congested and can become a place where defenders can lose track of the person they are guarding. This drill helps by specifically focusing []

Handoff Isolation Play

The Handoff Isolation basketball play isa very simple quick hitter that can give you an easy scoring opportunity. The initial option only includes two players, a pass and a handoff to give a clear driving lane. This set for the Handoff Isolation play is a 4-around-1; with the 1 starting at the free throw line []